Starting a Blog

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Planning First Post

OK, so I want to start my first website. I researched a topic that I know something about, and I wanted to compare it to a topic that I learned about from a course I bought. I was interested in piano, architecture, and construction since I know a lot about […]

Blogging Business Plan

I had to come up with some kind of a plan for what I wanted to do with my blogging business. Internet-business people say they are all making huge money with blogging. I do not know these people personally so I am a little bit skeptical when somebody claims that you can make A LOT of […]

How this all started…

I am an architectural drafter, and I became unemployed at the beginning of the winter at age 43. It is kinda difficult to get a good job in the construction industry when everything slows down for winter. The other factor was my age – everybody wants to hire people younger […]